Nursery Class 2024 - 2025

Mrs Whiteway

Welcome to Nursery

We are proud to welcome you to our wonderful nursery here at Sandbach Primary Academy. Our Nursery is the first steps of the journey for our children and we strive to ensure that all of our children have nothing but the best start in their ‘school’ life. Click here to find out more about our learning journey and to see some of our wonderful children developing their 'curiosity, awe and wonder' of learning.

In Nursery, your child will be supported by: Mrs Whiteway, Mrs Caldwell, Miss Vernon, Mrs Chambers, Miss Walker and Miss Phillips. We will also work with our Reception team from time to time. 

We are fortunate to be surrounded by some wonderful grounds; we have access to all of the school’s resources and different areas including: a woodland area, a garden area for planting, an outdoor classroom and a large field for endless opportunities for learning and fun. We value the outdoor environment and see this as a continuation of our indoor environment to extend our learning.

We are very proud of the care and support we provide both our children and their families. We understand that all children are unique and learn in different ways. The day to day activities are adapted to suit the needs and interests to make their time with us both stimulating and fun. Our children learn and develop in a safe, happy and exciting environment and will be ready for school at the end of their time with us. We use our 'Learning Powers' to guide our learning, build our resilience and help us to make decisions.

Starting from nursery, we nurture a love of reading books, stories and poems, click here to find out more about our approach to early reading.

General Reminders

  • We encourage the children to bring in their own water bottles which they can access throughout the day, especially when it is hot.
  • On Tuesday the children will participate in a PE session with B2 Coaching, please ensure they are dressed appropriately, with sensible shoes. 
  • The children will have a session in the Forest School every Tuesday afternoon during the Spring Term.
  • When the weather is warmer, please apply sun cream before your child comes to school every morning and bring in a hat with your child's name on it.
  • When the weather is colder (and wet), please remember to send your child with a hat and gloves. It is helpful to leave a pair or named wellington boots in school for when we work in the outside classroom, woodland area or school field.
  • Library books will be sent home with your child on a Monday (or later in the week if they do not attend on Mondays). It is important that these books are returned every week please. 
  • Please try to read to your child as often as possible. This is a great time to bond with your child and create a love for books and reading. Reading together is one of our favourite times in nursery.
  • Whilst your children are learning through play, they may get their clothes messy. We therefore encourage you to send them in clothes that are comfortable, practical and that the children can manage themselves. You might like to send a number of changes of clothing with your child each day including socks and pants.
  • Keep an eye on our 'This week in the Classroom' page on the nursery website. This is updated every Thursday with all the exciting things that we have shared together in nursery that week. 


Our learning in the Spring term:




Spring 1: Winter Time/Ice Explorers

Spring 2: Jungle Jamboree



We will begin to use some print / letter knowledge in writing

We will begin to understand that own marks represent meaning

We will continue to handle books carefully/correctly and turn one page at a time. 

We will begin to understand that print has meaning.




We will continue to explore simple patterns and look at repeating dance movements, rhymes and repeated linear patterns (leaf, stick, leaf, stick).

We will also focus on numbers 3, 4 and 5. We will begin to develop fast recognition of up to 5 objects without having to count them individually (subitising). The children will be provided with a range of opportunities to explore and group numbers of objects within the environment through a variety of materials and experiences.



We will learn about 'Focused Firefly' and we will begin to focus our attention to what the teacher says, responding appropriately even when engaged in an activity.

We will play collaboratively with a friend/friends.

We will begin to talk about feelings using words like ‘happy’ and ‘sad’ and begin to use other words


Communication and Language:

We will understand and be able to follow a 1 and 2 part instruction.

We will begin to talk about a familiar book and begin to re-tell a simple story, using illustrations / props 

We will begin to use a wider range of vocabulary.


Understanding the World:

Continue to develop an awareness of the different seasons and identify some key features.

Begin to develop an awareness of past significant nursery events

Continue to make sense of their own life history


Physical Development:

We will develop our ball skills and will practise rolling, throwing and passing balls of varying sizes to each other. 

We will begin to regulate our speed and stop when required.


Expressive Arts and Design:

We will begin to join pieces together using tape and explore different materials freely.

We will begin to develop own ideas about how to use materials and what to make.



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Contact us..

Crewe Road, Sandbach, CW11 4NS
01270 918922