Year 1 2024 - 2025
Miss Fletcher
Class teacher
Welcome to Year 1
General Information about Year 1
Reading Together - Reading is a cornerstone of learning. We celebrate children who read at home in class. Don't forget to record these moments in the reading log provided. Reading together is a small step that makes a big difference!
Reading books - your child will come home on a Tuesday with a 'Reading for Pleasure' book to share together at home. This is a book for you to read and share with your child at those special times. They will also bring home a decodable 'Big Cat' reading book. This book will match the graphemes and tricky words that we have learnt in group reading and phonics.
PE - Every Monday and Thursday children will have a PE lesson. Children should come to school in their PE kit on these days.
Water bottles - Please remember to send your child with a refillable water bottle everyday - please only fill these bottles with water.
Snack - All children will receive a piece of fruit in the afternoons but children will need to bring their own morning snack or they can purchase school hot snack for 20p - 30p per day. Please click here for more information relating to our healthy snack policy.
Spring Overview
In phonics, children will be moving on to learning phase 5 sounds.
During the spring 1 half term, children will learn: The composition of numbers 6 – 10, Additive structures: addition and Additive structures: addition and subtraction
In writing, your children will be learning through the texts: The Bog Baby, The King of the Tiny Things, The Lonely Beast, Beegu and The Lorax. Children will write a simple character description of The Bog Baby and also write a set of instructions on how to build a house for The Bog Baby.
PE days are Mondays and Thursdays. On these days, please ensure you child comes to school wearing their PE kit. PE on Mondays will be with our sports coach where children will be doing Gymnastics. PE on Thursdays will be with myself for Yoga.
Our Science topic this half term is Animals: Sensitive Bodies. Children will: draw and label human body parts, identify the body parts associated with each sense, compare and group body parts, begin to recognise patterns in data and use these to answer questions, record data in a table and measure using non-standard units.
History topic is 'What was the impact of the Great Fire of London?’. Children will: know some information about what London was like in 1666, know how the city compares with London today, know how the fire started, know why the fire spread so quickly, know why the fire lasted so long, know the main timeline of the fire, know the importance of Samuel Pepys in discovering more about the fire, know which changes happened in London as a consequence of the fire and know how London is different to Sandbach.
In Geography, we will be looking at England and London. Children will know the four countries of the UK, know where England is on a map, know that the capital city is London, know about England’s national flower, flag, national food and festivals, know key physical features and human features of England including significant landmarks, know about and name some of London’s common landmarks, know some key physical features of London and make comparisons between the physical and human features of London and Sandbach.
Our music topic is called ‘Get On Board’. Children will: know that symbols can be used to compose pieces of music and know that choices of instrument and symbol can be made to create effects.
In Computing, we will be learning about programming: Moving a Robot. Children will be able to: explain what a given command will do, to act out a given word, to combine ‘forwards’ and ‘backwards’ commands to make a sequence, to combine four direction commands to make sequences, to plan a simple program and to find more than one solution to a problem.
In PSHE, we are looking at what is the same and what is different about us where children will: know what they like/dislike and are good at, know what makes them special and how everyone has different strengths, know how their personal features or qualities are unique to them, know how they are similar or different to others, and what they have in common and know the correct names for the main parts of the body, including external genitalia; and that parts of bodies covered with underwear are private.
This term in Religious Education children will look at the questions: What do people believe about God?
Art this half term we will be doing Sculpture and 3D: Paper play. Children will be creating simple three dimensional shapes and structures using familiar materials, children develop skills in manipulating paper and card. They fold, roll and scrunch materials to make their own sculptures.