Year 1 2024 - 2025

Miss Fletcher

Class teacher

Welcome sign.Beautiful greeting card scratched calligraphy ...

Welcome to Year 1

General Information about Year 1

Reading Together - Reading is a cornerstone of learning. We celebrate children who read at home in class. Don't forget to record these moments in the reading log provided. Reading together is a small step that makes a big difference! 

Reading books - your child will come home on a Tuesday with a 'Reading for Pleasure' book to share together at home. This is a book for you to read and share with your child at those special times. They will also bring home a decodable 'Big Cat' reading book. This book will match the graphemes and tricky words that we have learnt in group reading and phonics.                                               

                                                       20 Inspiring Quotes About Reading for Kids and Students! - InspireMyKids


PE  - Every Monday and Thursday children will have a PE lesson. Children should come to school in their PE kit on these days.

Please remember to send your child with a refillable water bottle everyday - please only fill these bottles with water.

Snack - All children will receive a peice of fruit in the afternoons but children will need to bring their own morning snack in or they can purchase school hot snack for 20p - 30p per day. Please click here for more information relating to our healthy snack policy. 

                                                          snack week 1.png



Autumn 1 Overview


In phonics, children will be moving on to learning phase 5 sounds.


During the first half term, children will be counting, recognising and comparing numbers 0-10, counting to 20, counting in tens, looking at patterns when counting from 20 - 100 and comparing quantities - looking at part whole relationship.


In writing, your children will be using The Little Red Riding Hood, The Last Wolf and other fairy tale stories to retell a story and begining to write our own stories. 


PE days are Mondays and Thursdays.  On these days, please ensure you child comes to school wearing their PE kit.  PE on Mondays will be with our sports coach for introducing a type of invasion game to the children.  PE on Fridays will be with myself for Fundamental Movement.


Our Science topic this half term is Forces and Space, looking at seasonal changes during which children will learn about the four seasons, what mouths are in these seasons, how the weather changes and what significant events happen during these seasons.


Our History topic is How houses in Sandbach have changed in the childrens living memory and also why we celebrate bonfire night.


Our music topic is called 'Down to the woods' where we will learn what a verse and a chours in a song is and also look at melodies and pitch too within songs.


In Computing, we will be learning about what technology we have around us and understanding how these work and how we can we safe using them.



In PSHE, we are looking at how we can look after each other and the world.

Contact us..

Crewe Road, Sandbach, CW11 4NS
01270 918922