Year 5 and 6 2024 - 2025
Mrs Gallagher
Mrs Caldwell
Principal of Sandbach Primary Academy
Welcome to Year 5 and 6
Welcome to the sencond half of the Autumn term. This year, Mrs Caldwell will teach the class on a Monday, Tuesday & Thursday afternoon, with Mrs Gallagher taking over Wednesday to Friday. We are also lucky to have Mr Snell working with us in the mornings.
General information to know about Years 5 and 6:
- Please ensure that items of clothing are clearly named. This will ensure that if anything goes missing, it can be quickly reunited with its owner.
- P.E is on a Monday and a Friday so please ensure that your child comes into school in their PE kit on these days.
- Please ensure that your children are reading at home, either independently or with an adult, to help develop their reading skills and nurture their love of reading. Over the last few years, the school has invested a great deal of money in new book band reading books as well as reading for pleasure texts. We have encouraged all children to take great care of these and make sure they return to school in the condition that they left. All books are signed out to children under a library system and they will be expected to return their current book before they are allowed to take another. This system was in place for the Year 6s at the end of last year and they did a fantastic job with returning and taking care of the books. I am sure that our Year 5s will be the same!
- Homework will consist of weekly spellings, related to the work the children complete in class. They will also need to complete at least thirty minutes a week on TTRockstars (logins can be found in the front of their reading jotters). The children also have active assignments on Languagenut that they can login to, if they would like to improve their scores (logins are also in the front of their reading jotters).
- Children need to bring their own water bottles into school which they can access throughout the day and they will change their water regularly. Please do not allow other drinks such as juice, fizzy drinks etc. If children bring juices, smoothies etc. they should be kept only for lunch.
- Snack will be served in the hall at break times. Children will be responsible for this money and are advised to bring it to school in a clearly labelled purse or wallet.
Monday | Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday | Friday |
Toast 20p Milk roll 25p |
Toast 20p Choco pan 30p |
Toast 20p Waffles 30p |
Toast 20p Crumpets 30p |
Toast 20p Pancakes 20p
- As children enter Year 5 and 6, many parents wish for their children to walk home alone or with friends. If this is the case, please send a letter into school giving your permission for this. The teachers have a list of the children with letters of consent, and these are the only children who will be permitted to leave the school grounds without an adult.
Spring Term Curriculum
Our English work in the first half of the term will link to our work in history about WW2. We will start with a beautiful KS2 picturebook, Rose Blanche, based on the story of a young girl living in Germany. We will then move on to Letters from the Lighthouse by Emma Carroll. This is a longer fiction text and should help with furthering the children’s understanding of war. In the second half of the term, we will read texts linked to our work on South America. This will include a wonderful adventure story called ‘The Explorer’ by Katherine Rundell. This is set in the Amazon rainforest. We will then finish with a poem called ‘TheTyger’ by William Blake.
In maths, we will start by looking at multiplication and division. We will then move onto further work with fractions and percentages. The children will learn to add and subtract fractions, compare fractions, multiply and divide fractions and understand percentages. We will then look at statistics before moving on to ratio and proportion. We will then finish the term by drawing, composing and decomposing shapes.
In history, we will explore WW2 within a local context. We start by finding out what led to the start of WW2 and which countries were involved. We will then explore how Crewe contributed to the wider war effort in Britain. We will learn about how the people of Crewe prepared for WW2 and how everyday life was affected for those on the Home Front. We will also look specifically at what life was like for children in Crewe during WW2. We will discuss how Crewe was protected from aerial attacks and why Crewe was such a target for bombing. We will also look at what happened in Crewe when the war was over.
In geography, we will be focusing on South America, specifically, the Amazon Rainforest. We will start by learning what a rainforest is, where temperate and tropical rainforests are located and the difference between them. We will then use atlases to find out where the Amazon rainforest is located. We will find out about some of the key geographical characteristics or features of the Amazon. We will then explore what food products are found in the rainforest and know how these food products are exported. We will do a case study of the Brazil nut, looking at how they are grown, harvested and exported. This research will include identifying the threats to the production and trade of Brazil nuts. We will look at the different types of settlement that can be found in the rainforest, exploring the lifestyles of indigenous peoples living there. Lessons will include the debate surrounding deforestation in the rainforest. The children will know why rainforests are important, what the treats are to them and how people are working to protect them.
In computing, we will start the term by looking at vector graphics. We will identify that drawing tools can be used to produce different outcomes and create a vector drawing by combining shapes. We will use tools to achieve a desired effectand will recognise that vector drawings consist of layers. We will group objects to make them easier to work with and will be able to apply learning independently.
In the second half of the term, we will look at modelling, recognising that you can work in three dimensions on a computer. The children will identify that digital 3D objects can be modified and combined in a 3D model. We will then plan and create a 3D model for a given purpose.
We will start the term by learning how to describe what instruments people play and learning how to say different types of music in French. The children will then learn how to give an opinion about different types of music in French. We will also look at how to pronounce the sounds CH and J.
In the second half of the term, we will learn how to say different TV programmes and be able to give a simple opinion about different TV programmes in French. We will learn how to make sentences about music and television, giving opinions, and will finish off learning about the French Festival of Music – ‘La Fête de la Musique.’
In science, we will start the term by learning more about materials, including their properties and how they change. In lessons we will determine the hardness of different materials and link this to their uses. We will investigate the transparency and the thermal and electrical conductivity of different materials and link this to their uses. We will also demonstrate, identify and describe reversible and irreversible changes.
In the second part of the term, we will learn about Earth and Space. We will describe the geocentric and heliocentric models and we will name and describe the shape of celestial bodies. The children will be able to describe the orbits of celestial bodies in the Solar System and name the force that keeps them in their orbits. We will also learn about the Moon, describing its orbit around the Earth and its phases. We will discover how day and night and the seasons occur. We will also look at how a sundial works. We will finish by listing some of the uses of satellites and explain why space junk poses a problem to them.
At the beginning of the term, we will look at how relationships can change as we grow. We will learn about the different kinds of relationships in their lives, including romantic or intimate relationships. We will learn that people who are attracted to and love each other can be of any gender, ethnicity or faith; and we will learn about the different ways couples care for one another. We will learn that adults can choose to be part of a committed relationship or not, including marriage or civil partnership. The children will understand that marriage should be wanted equally by both people and that forcing someone to marry against their will is a crime. We will then explore how puberty relates to growing from childhood to adulthood. We will learn about the reproductive organs and process - how babies are conceived and born and how they need to be cared for. We will learn that there are ways to prevent a baby being made. We will then move on to growing up and we will learn how becoming more independent comes with increased opportunities and responsibilities. The children will learn how friendships may change as they grow and how to manage this.
In the second half of the term, we will learn about prejudice and discrimination. We will discuss examples of how individual/group actions can impact on others in a positive or negative way. We will learn what can help people in ‘moments’ when they have to make decisions about what action they will take. We will also learn about the wide range of factors that contribute to someone’s identity and we will learn the difference between sex, gender identity and sexual orientation - and that these are just one factor of a person’s identity.
In art this term, the children will make relevant comparisons between different styles of art. They will use tools effectively to explore a range of effects and will respond to the meaning of a spirit animal through drawing. The children will generate symbols that reflect their likes and dislikes, creating a tile that is full of pattern, symbols and colours that represent themselves. We will discuss ideas to create light and dark through drawing techniques. The children will be able to explain the term chiaroscuro and apply this to create light and form through a tonal drawing. The children will participate in discussions that examine the similarities and differences between different styles of art, forming their own opinions about what art is, justifying their ideas. The children will identify a cause and decide what message they want to convey and understand artist’s choices to convey a message.
In DT this term we will be cooking. The children will be choosing and following recipes step by step using a range of utensils. They will focus on accurately measuring and combining ingredients and decide how to make, decorate and present their food product based on the design brief.
In RE the children will be continuing our learning on what different religions look like around the world. The children will be considering the influence of culture, history, geography and tradition on how religion looks in different places and challenge their perceptions.
In PE the children will begin the term by taking part in gymnastics with B2 Coaching and Yoga with Mrs Gallagher. After the half term break, the children will move on to developing their badminton skills and taking part in fitness sessions.