Year 2 2024 - 2025

Ms Marshall-Clarke

Welcome to Year  2


Hello and welcome to our Sandbach Primary Academy Year 2 class page. Ms Marshall-Clarke is the Year 2 class teacher. This term, we will be supported by Miss Shield, Miss Holdbrook and Miss Phillips. Mrs McLoughlin will teach the class on Friday afternoons.

For an update each week, please see the 'This week in the classroom' tab above. 

General Information to know about Year 2:

Reading and homework

  • Please read with your child at home as often as possible, this is a great time to bond with your child and create a love of reading.
  • All home reading books are signed out to children under a library system and they will be expected to return their current book before they are allowed to take another.
  • Homework - spelling  and  times tables activities will be set on a Friday and should be completed by the following Thursday. 


  • PE will be every Monday and Wednesday.
  • Children should come to school in their PE kits on these days.


Personal items

  • Please ensure that items of clothing are clearly named. This will ensure that if anything goes missing, it can be quickly reunited with its owner. 
  • Please ensure your child has suitable footwear in school. 
  • Please do not allow children to bring toys and  other items from home. They are easily lost or cause upsets.

Drinks and snack

  • Children need to bring their own water bottles into school which they can use throughout the day and refill when needed. Please do not allow other drinks such as juice, fizzy drinks etc. Juices, smoothies etc. are only for lunch. 
  • All children will receive free fruit snack each day.
  • In addition, children can purchase school hot snack which is priced at 20p - 30p per day. Please click here for more information relating to our healthy snack policy. Money can be sent into school termly, weekly or daily however it is easier to send this in termly or weekly and we will inform you when your child's balance becomes low. A gluten free option is available. 
  • Children will need to bring their snack money in a purse/wallet that they will hand to one of the adults in the classroom to be kept safe in our snack money box. 


way hoem for wolf.jpg

Autumn Term 1 Overview


In English, Year 2 will be reading The Way Home for Wolf. Our linked texts will include Ice Bear, First Animal Encyclopaedia and The Search for the Giant Jellyfish. We will use these brilliant stories as inspiration to write journey and warning stories. We will be writing sentences that are correctlypunctuated and  include adjectives, conjunctions and story language.


We will be learning about the place value of 2-digit numbers, comparing, ordering and partitioning them in preparation of adding and subtracting 2-digit numbers later in the year. We will also be securing our fluency of addition and subtraction facts within 10 and transfering this knowledge to support calculating within 20.


In Science, we will be studying living things. Learning about their habitats and developing an understanding of life processes to explain what is living and what is not. Finally, we will explore how living things depend on each other through the study of life cycles.



In History, we will be learning about Ada Nield, a Crewe factory girl who in 1894 campaigned to improve the working conditions of women. She laterwent on to become a key player in the suffragette movement. We will be finding out about her history using artefacts, pictures and stories and using our findings to answer historical questions.


Using storybook illustration as a stimulus, we will develop our mark-making to explore a wider range of tools and experiment with creating texture to add detail to drawings.



Using a range of sources including survey data, children learn about beliefs around using offerings to show gratitude. We will get hands-on with artefacts used during Hindu puja and write lyrics for a song of thanks.




In PSHE, we will learn about what makes a community, looking at our class, our school and the wider community. We will learn about how rules help communities to work coopertively and develop our own class rules.  


We will learn how digital devices function, identifying input and output devices. We will explore how digital devices can be connected and learn how a computer network can be used to share information, recognising the physical components of a network


Each week, the children will have two PE lessons, one with the sports coach on Monday and the second with Ms Marshall-Clarke on Wednesday. During this time, the children will have a go at invasion games and personal challenges. The invasion games will allow them to explore attack and defence skills as part of a team. The personal challenge session will help build fitness whilst teaching resilence and how to set and work towards a goal.

Contact us..

Crewe Road, Sandbach, CW11 4NS
01270 918922