
Sandbach Primary Academy is passionate about and committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people.  We expect all staff and visitors to share this commitment.  We are fully committed to ensuring that consistent effective safeguarding procedures are in place to support families, children and staff at school.  

There are two people in charge of keeping our children safe at Sandbach Primary Academy. If you have any safeguarding concerns about a child who attends Sandbach Primary Academy, then these are the people you can contact. They will know who to contact for the best advise and help and are experienced in using the appropriate degree of confidentiality. You can contact them either in person or by telephoning the school on 01270 918922.

The Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs Claire Caldwell (Principal)

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead:  Mrs Stacy Whiteway (Child Centred Support Officer) and Ms Rebecca Marshall-Clarke (Vice Principal)

This team is supported by:

Mrs Michelle Coppenhall - Nominated Governor for Safeguarding

Mr Steve Wheeldon and Mrs Charlotte Clowes - Designated Officers for Child Protection for the Aspire Educational Trust

Mrs Lynn Treadway - Safeguarding Trustee Governor for the Aspire Educational Trust

You can find our contact details via our Contact Us page.

If you have a concern about a child out of school hours (such as evenings, weekends and school holidays), please call the Cheshire East Consultation Service (CHECS):

Phone  ChECS on 0300 123 5012 (option 3, option 2).

Callers will be directed to a Social Worker who will take details off the caller with regard to their concerns. 

The worker will gather your information and advice you of the next step.

If you need to contact someone out of hours and you believe it to be an emergency that can't wait, please call our Emergency Duty Team on 0300 123 5022.

Do not post or email your concerns but call for a consultation.

For more information on CHECS, please click here.

Cheshire East Consultation Service

Tel: 0300 123 5012


Tel: 0800 1111


Tel: 0808 800 5000

‘Sandbach Primary Academy are committed to ensuring their duties to safeguard and promote the welfare of all the children at the school. The staff of the school have all read the document ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023' and 'Working Together to Safeguard Children' and are aware of their own roles and responsibilities in relation to safeguarding. Please follow the links below to these documents:

Working together to safeguard children - GOV.UK

Keeping children safe in education - GOV.UK

If you would like a paper copy of these documents then please contact the school office.

Contact us..

Crewe Road, Sandbach, CW11 4NS
01270 918922