This week in the classroom

Thursday 27th March

Reception class have had a super week of learning!

In phonics sessions, we have focused on remembering all phase 3 sounds, reading and writing words that contain them, along with applying our knowledge during reading sessions, blending the sounds to read the words. We also revisited the tricky words 'my, by, sure, pure, all'.

In English, we have focused on a new book called From Head to Toe. Animals and children in the story say what they can do. Children have been writing sentences for an animal of their choice to add to the story. Children have also read with Mr Rogers in small groups, and chosen new books to take home. Please send books and book bags every day, we try and read with the children as much as we can!    

In Maths, children have been practising doubles using their fingers and objects. They have also learned to sort objects into groups, using different criteria e.g. colour, material, size, shape. Children have also practised counting through playing games such as snakes and ladders, bean bag games, counting objects, matching numicon plates, butterfly symmetry.

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Children were fascinated this week when on Monday, we found that all of our caterpillars were wrapped up in their chrysalises! We carefully transferred them to our butterfly net and can't wait to see them break out as butterflies. Children also learned all about brushing our teeth and how to keep our teeth healthy. They all took home a new brush, paste and information too!

It has been a wonderful week.

Thursday 20th March

Reception class have had a super week and have been learning more about jungle animals!

In phonics sessions, we have focused on revising the diagraphs, triagraphs and tricky words from this half term, along with applying our knowledge to blend longer words. We have also read longer words and compound words e.g. farm + yard = farmyard.

In English, we have continued to focus on the story Monkey Puzzle, about a monkey who loses his mum. We imagined new animals arriving in the story. Children all wrote a speech bubble for monkey, imagining what he would say to the new animals. Children have also read with Mr Rogers in small groups, and chosen new books to take home. Please send books and book bags every day, we try and read with the children as much as we can!   

In Maths, children have been subitising higher numbers, up to 10. They have played games and matched object to numbers. They also practised making symmetrical butterfly patterns!


This week was neurodiversity week and we learned about how we are all different in a number of ways. Children also learned all about autism. Friday was also Red Nose day and children supported this by wearing red. Thanks you for all your donations to the charity. Children could explain why we were wearing red and the purpose of the charity.

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We have also been exciterd by all the growth and change in our classroom! Our cress seeds have grown so quickly and are ready to take home! Our tiny caterpillars are also rather large and one has even made it's cocoon. What will happen next?

It has been a lovely week!

Contact us..

Crewe Road, Sandbach, CW11 4NS
01270 918922