This week in the classroom
14th February
In English this week, we have been finishing our balanced writes. The children also did some free-writing for our Trust’s writing competition. We have chosen the theme of dragons and the children have come up with some excellent ideas for their writing. The children have really impressed me with their enthusiasm and creativity.
In maths, the Y6 children have had their first experience with a SATs test, having a go at the three papers. This will help us to target our support and has also been a good experience for the children to see what the test questions might be like. Year 5 have been multiplying mixed numbers by whole numbers.
In reading, we have continued with Letters from the Lighthouse. The children have made some excellent predictions about what will happen to the characters. The children have also shown excellent retrieval skills and have become confident at finding evidence in the text to support their answers.
In history, we completed our final lesson on WW2. We looked at how Crewe celebrated when the war was over. The children also completed their end of unit assessment and I was very impressed by how much they have learned over the last six weeks.
In computing, we did work relating to Safer Internet Day, looking at how we can protect ourselves from scams online. The children learned how to look out for the signs of a scam, we talked about what phishing is and how to protect our online profiles.
We finished off the week with science, looking at reversible changes. Well done Year 5/6!
6th February
Year 5/6 have had a super attitude towards their learning this week!
In English, they have been impressing us with their balanced discussions. The children are working really hard on making their writing as interesting and factual as possible.
In reading, we are continuing to enjoy Letters from the Lighthouse. The children have been demonstrating their understanding of the text by answering a number of inference and retrieval questions. It is also helping to support their understanding of our work on evacuation in history.
In maths, we have been looking at area, finding the area of parallelograms and triangles. We have also look at the scale factors and coordinates. A busy week but the children have done brilliantly.
In history, we learned more about the impact of WW2 on Crewe. We looked at photos of bombed housing in Crewe and discussed how people in the local area might have been impacted by the conflict. We also learned about the Crewe Hall and Weston village prisoner of war camps. The children were quite surprised that we had German and Italian prisoners housed so nearby!
In computing we continued to work on our Vector drawings, grouping images so they can be successfully copied and pasted.
Well done Year 5/6!