This week in the classroom

6th February

This week we have been exploring the relationship between the 2 times table and the 10 times table and looking at commumativity (that factors in a multiplication equation can be written in either order) to help us to solve real life problems, including problems with money.

We've started to write our own versions of The wolf, the duck and the mouse, all including dragons as we are excited to enter them into the Trust Writing competition which has a dragon theme.

In RE, we studied a story about Muhammed and spotted clues that suggested he might be considered to be important to God. Many of the clues were similar to those we had seen for Jesus, Guru Nank and Krishna. We were especially interested to learn that muslims do not create images of Muhammed.

In science, we learnt about plastic and how it impacts our environmet. We were able to understand that it's many properties make it a very useful material but that we should try to consider other materials when we can because plastic lasts for so long after we have finished with it.

We marked Children's Mental health week with a fabulous assembly about emotions, using the Inside Out characters to bring feelings to life. We also learnt about relience in our PSHE lesson and reflected on thinking about 'I can't do it YET' rather than 'I can't do it'. We made pictures of the things we can do and the things we will learn to do.

30th January

Did you spot the pictures of us making freeze frames on Facebook? We have started to learn and unpick our new model text, The wolf, the duck and the mouse. Freeze frames helped us to summarise the story. We worked so well in our teams, making sure everyone had a role.

In maths, we are exploring the relationship between groups of 5 and groups of 10. It will really help us if you count in 5s with us each day until we have it secure.

We also learnt more about Crewe Works, this week we studied what it was like to worl there. We were shocked by how loud, dirty and dangerous it was. We were very glad that employers have to take better care of their workers nowadays.

In RE we learnt about Krishna and found clues that showed that he is special,.in a story about him turning fruit into jewels.












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Crewe Road, Sandbach, CW11 4NS
01270 918922