This week in the classroom
12th December
It's been another fully festive wekk in Year 2. At the start of the week, rehearsals for our performance were in full swing. We enjoyed performign for you so much and have come away proud of everythign we have achived. For many of us, we had to conquer our nerves, which was far harder than learning the words.
We still managed to fit in our dance lesson in PE - our performances are really coming on! And to finish off our instructions on how to build a den. We even started to plan instructions for the fruit sald we are going to make in DT next week.
In maths, we've been completeing arthimetic and reasoning assessments. We enjoyed both quizzes and have really shown just how much we have learnt this year. In spelling we have been focussing on words endig in -il. Thank you to all grown ups who are remembering to remind us to complete our spelling homework.
In RE we learnt about Hannukah and how candles are used to celebrate it. Whilst, in geography we looked at the symbols used on a map of Sandbach and learn how to use a key to find out what they represent.
6th December
It's been another busy week in Year 2. In science we conducted a mini-beast hunt, exploring different micro-habitats to see what lived there. There were lots of worms, which reminded us to check on our wormery. The worms have been busy tunneling through the layers and we coudl see them all mixing up.
We also took part in a virtual field trip in geography, using Google Earth to visit Sandbach Town centre and complete a survey on the different uses buildings are being put too. We spotted the Town Hall and St Mary's Church as well as the Crosses. We learnt that Estate Agents sell houses, there are so many around the Market Square.
There's been a definite feeling of "Christmas is comming' with rehearsals for our concernt next week in full swing and capped of by the amazing Jack and the beanstalk Panto on Friday. We're sure you could hear us shouting 'He's behind you!' all over town.
Talking of Christmas, we are so looking forward to our performance. Have you bought your tickets yet? We are busy rehearsing our songs, one trickier traditional one and another modern one with a twist - but both tunes that you will be able to sing along with.