This week in the classroom...

27th February 2025

Year 1 have had a brilliant week back after the half term break! Well done all of you for getting stuck straight back into your learning. 

In writing this week, we have been looking at lots of different poetry books and have been discussing how their features are different to the stories that we have read. We have then learnt a spring poem off by heart and come up with some actions to help us to remember it. We have also been writing some of the verses of the poem to practice our writing skills. 

In maths we have been looking at the relationship between addition and subtraction and have been using lots of manipulatives to prove the inverse. We have had lots of fun coming up with different addition stories and then showing this in a subtraction equation too. 

We have begun to look at the four countries in the UK and found these on a map and have then put the four countries onto our own maps too! 

Our new topic in Science this half term is Animals and we have been grouping animals into: mammals, amphibians, reptiles, fish and birds.

6th February 2025

This week has been National Storytelling Week and Children’s Mental Health Awareness week and Year 1 have had a fab week celebrating!

All week we have shared different stories and talked about how it has made us feel and how we can relate to the stories. We have also made lots of predictions on what the stories would be about and each story has brought up some brilliant discussion points that we have had as a class.

For Children’s Mental Health Awareness week, we have looked at different feelings such as sad, angry, lonely, excited, brave and embarrassed and spoke about when we have felt like this and we made some great feelings monsters! (please see our Facebook post)

In Maths we have looked at using a bar model to help us to subtract numbers and have been able to verbally explain our answers.

In Writing we wrote a set of instructions that explains how you can make your own Bog Baby using clay.


30th January 2025

This week in the classroom it has been another fantastic week of learning for Year1. In Maths we have been looking at different ways of writing the same addition equation by putting the addend at the beginning instead of the end.

In writing, children have made their very own Bog Babies out of clay and we are waiting in anticipation for them to dry so that we can paint them and bring them home!

In Science we have been looking at our different senses and how they help us in day to day life.

In Art we have begun to look at sculptures and making our own sculptures using paper.

In History we have been comparing London now to London back in 1666 when The Great Fire Of London happened and what has changed because of the fire happening.


23rd January 2025

This week in the classroom, Year 1 have created their own bog babies and have begun to write their own character descriptions for them. Children have come up with some fabulous descriptive words and have been able to put these words into amazing sentences!

During Science, we have been looking at the human body. We have drawn around other children on large pieces of paper and labelled them. We have also been discussing our five senses and have done a senses search around our classroom.

In Maths we have had lots of fun using different models and representations to partition numbers 6-10 and have worked on understanding what an odd and an even number is and looks like.

In art this week children carried on their amazing painting skills using straws and blowing the paint across their work to create certain sculptures like tress.



16th January 2025 

All of the children have settled back into learning brilliantly this Spring Term! We are all super proud of them. They have been eager to get back to writing and maths and have loved writing on the tabletops again with their whiteboard pens. We have been reading The Bog Baby and children have had lots of fun creating a bog for their bog babies to live in and have used all of the fabulous language in the story to describe The Bog Baby. We have learned a character description of The Bog Baby off by heart and have done lots of sentence writing based around this description.

During Maths we have been focusing on numbers 0-6 and using part-part whole models, bar models and number lines to represent parts of a number and to compare numbers between 6 and 10.

Children had lots of fun in Art where we explored paints and making different shapes with objects to paint and also using the blowing method to spread the paints around the page.

In History, we have been learning about The Great Fire Of London and have found out; when it happened, how it started, why the fire spread so quickly and what changed in London because of the fire.



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Crewe Road, Sandbach, CW11 4NS
01270 918922